Saxony's Minister of Economic Affairs, Martin Dulig (in picture left), used his visit to the Green Hydrogen Innovation Congress in Dresden to learn more about how our alternative hydrogen storage technology works and its numerous advantages. Speaking to Uwe Pahl, AMBARtec's Technical Director, he was particularly impressed by the maturity of the technology and its practicality. After all, the storage systems can be used immediately - without the need for lengthy and costly adjustments to the infrastructure. Speaking to Uwe Pahl, AMBARtec's Technical Director, he was particularly impressed by the maturity of the technology and its practicality. After all, the storage systems can be used immediately - without the need for lengthy and costly adjustments to the infrastructure.
The Saxon Minister of Economic Affairs was also very interested in the various hydrogen storage and hydrogen transport projects that AMBARtec is currently working on with local partners. Ultimately, these will further advance the ramp-up of the hydrogen economy in Saxony.