Thank you for a successful year 2024

The last few months have brought a lot of progress – both in terms of getting our storage system ready for series production and preparing several development projects, as well as in terms of raising awareness, networking and initiating projects.  

This was only possible thanks to our highly motivated, technically excellent colleagues and their families, who support them in their commitment to AMBARtec. We would like to take this opportunity to thank them.  

Many other supporters have also paved our way, from our shareholders and business partners to interested parties from science, the media and associations. We would like to take this opportunity to thank them as well.  

We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy 2025!

For further information concerning our technology please contact:  


Dr. Ines Bilas


Head of Marketing and Communication

Phone:  +49 172 234 11 00



WAZ: Hydrogen supply via iron nuggets

In the medium and long term, industrial centres are to be connected to the planned hydrogen grid. But how will other companies get the hydrogen they urgently need? The transport solutions currently available such as liquid hydrogen, pressurised hydrogen or ammonia, are not suitable for meeting the high demand. This is due to their low efficiency, safety issues and the high financial and time costs for approvals and infrastructure adaptations.

Read the full article here (available in German only)

The more efficient, safer and immediately usable alternative: storing hydrogen in iron respective iron oxide. The Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung sees this as a way to supply companies with hydrogen quickly and cheaply, as the article 'Hydrogen via iron: Start-up sees solution for SMEs".  


Dr. Ines Bilas


Head of Marketing and Communication

Phone:  +49 172 234 11 00

